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It provides us a sense of relief that we know it’s there.”

“It’s throughout our entire venue… our suites, our restrooms, our door handles, a lot of the different surfaces that people come into contact with.”


John Graham

Senior Executive Assoc. Athletic Director, University of Texas (Austin), Frank Erwin Center

I would not put a thief in my mouth who would steal my brain.


“We’ve definitely noticed a reduction in our staff sick days.”

“We haven’t had any animal illness or sickness in the past year.”

It gives us peace of mind that it’s something that will last longer than just a day or two.”


Todd McElwee

Owner, Soco Pet Lounge

The wretch concentred all in self,

living, shall forfeit fair renown,

and doubly dying shall go down

to the vile dust from which he sprung,

unwept, unhonour’d and unsung.

Sir Walter Scott